Do you know what a VMware TAM is? If not, keep on reading. In this blogpost I will look into some of the sources out there that explains what a VMwareTAM is.

But first, the reason for this blogpost is related to my own career choices. Life has its phases and for me 2021 contains changes to my work life. I’m leaving my current employer and my role as a senior consultant and joining VMware. My first introduction to VMware was around 2008 and has gradually increased since then, through different roles and companies. Today I’m embarking on an exiting new journey as a Technical Account Manager.
You won’t evolve if you never go outside your comfort zone.
Before I applied to the position I had some experience with the TAM Service from the customer-side. But not a whole lot more. And that is probably the case for you as well. If you want to learn more take a look at thees sources.
VMware Technical Account Management Services official page.
VMware TAM quotes
“Technologists guiding customers to a full realization of solution benefits and capabilities, keeping our customers ahead of their competition”
VMware TAM Services on Twitter
“VMware Technical Account Manager Services provide cross-functional advisors and customer advocates, backed by the full resources of the VMware organization, who partner with customers to help realize their success with VMware solutions, accelerate their return on VMware investments and mitigate risk”
VMware TAM Services on Facebook
If you are the type that like to consume knowledge through podcast you can listen to this episode TAM at VMware with Gert Verbeyst on the vSuperheroes podcast.
Blogg posts
This blog post by Alex Muetstege on VMguru from 2017 explains it pretty well. What is a VMware Technical Account Manager.
In another more resent blogpost by David Pasek on VCDX #200 Blog of one VMware Infrastructure Designer you can read about the Top Ten Things VMware TAM should have on his mind and use on a daily basis.
VMware TAM Services has a YouTube channel with different type of content. There is also a TAM LAB channel.
Wrap Up
If you are like me, and is the curious type you have now gained a bit more knowledge of what a VMware TAM is. Thank you for reading.