Månedlige arkiver: november 2019

How to configure SSO web links in VMware Identity Manager Catalog for vRealize Suite Lifecycle Manager imported products

When you deploy a product from vRSLCM its single sign-on link is automatically created in the Identity manager catalog. But if you import an existing vRealize product it will not. Bummer! Or that being said I have not tested importing solutions that already had vIDM configured for authentication without the catalog entry.

Anyways if you have imported an existing product into vRSLCM and you are missing the SSO link in your catalog. This is how I fixed it (don’t know if this is the official way)

First you need to enable login with identity manager for the product you want to configure SSO for. When that is done and working do the following for the different products.

vRealize Network Insight

Right click on the login button and copy the URL. You will get something like the url listed under. You just need to fix the URL in the end to be like mine but with your vRNI link.


vRealize Operations Manager

For the vROPS I was not able to use get the correct URL in the same way, here I used F12 in Google Chrome and recorded my login. I found the correct URL on the first line «authorize?response_type=…………..» and It should look something like this.


Add SSO weblink to Identity Manager Catalog

When you got the URL go into your Identity managers Administrator Console and under Catalog and Web Apps create a new web link.
In the Configuration menu choose Authentication Type «Web Application Link» and in Target URL insert the URL you copied from vRealize Network Insight login screen.

How to delete locker password entries in vRealize Suite Lifecycle Manager

Update 10.2020: In version 8.2 you can finally manage and delete passwords from the GUI

In vRealize Lifecycle Manager 8.0 VMware introduced «Locker» this is where you store certificates, licenses and passwords. If you for some reason add a password that is wrong or you want to delete an old one you are in trouble. There is no way to delete entries through GUI or CLI. But you can do it through the API!

Here is how

First you might need to install a software to do the API calls. I used Postman and you can download it here.

When you have installed or if you already have postman, you need to do the following


First you need to insert your credentials in the Authorization tab inside postman and send this POST command. Remember to insert your vRSLCM FQDN address.


If login is successful you will get «Login Successfully» in return.

In versjon 8.0.1 of vrslcm and you also need to copy the Authorization Key Value found under Headers and Temporary Headers in postman.

Example: YWRtaW5AbG9jYWw6Vk13YXJlMTIzIQ
GET the list of all entries

The GET command will give you a list of all the passwords and they’re vmid. Copy the vmid that you want to delete and use it instead of «vmid» below when you send DELETE command.

It appears that in version 8.0.1 this command is no longer possible.

Only for Pre 8.0.1 versions

DELETE the entries
DELETE http://vrslcm.your.fqdn:8080/lcm/locker/api/passwords/vmid

Run the GET command again to see that the password has been removed or refresh the locker page in the GUI of vRSLCM.

For 8.0.1 and possible later versions

Delete the entries

Login with root user to your vRSLCM appliance through SSH. and run the following command.
Remember to replace the IDs in bold with your own. First ID with the vmid from the GET passwords command. And the last ID with the Authorization KEY Value.

curl -X DELETE 'http://localhost:8080/lcm/locker/api/passwords/5581b687-a26c-4495-a8ed-11486c79fd81' -H 'Accept: application/json' -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -H 'Authorization: Basic YWRtaW5AbG9jYWw6Vk13YXJlMTIzIQ ' -k

How to re-establish trust between vRealize Suite Lifecycle Manager and VMware Identity Manager after replacing self-signed certificate

Im currently working on a deployment of vRealize Suite Lifecycle Manager 8.0 It was deployed using Easy Installer method. And it has given me a few headaches to be honest. Here is the recipe on how to solve one of those issues.

Replace self-signed certificate

In vRSLCM you can easily replace the self-signed certificate on the vIDM appliance if you have previously imported it into the locker. Just go through the «Replace Certificate» prosess and do the included precheck.

Replace Certificate precheck
vIDM Replace Certificate precheck

You will probably get the same warning as I did. If you click finish it will replace the certificate and everything looks fine until you try «Trigger Inventory Sync» from vRSLCM. It will fail with the following error:

Error message

com.vmware.vrealize.lcm.util.exception.SshAuthenticationFailureException: Cannot execute ssh commands. Please verify the ssh login credentials 
at com.vmware.vrealize.lcm.util.SshUtils.execute(SshUtils.java:393)
at com.vmware.vrealize.lcm.util.SshUtils.runCommand(SshUtils.java:307)
at com.vmware.vrealize.lcm.util.SshUtils.runCommand(SshUtils.java:290)
at com.vmware.vrealize.lcm.util.SshUtils.runCommand(SshUtils.java:333)
at com.vmware.vrealize.lcm.drivers.commonplugin.task.VerifySshConnectionTask.CheckForSshConnection(VerifySshConnectionTask.java:165)               
at com.vmware.vrealize.lcm.drivers.commonplugin.task.VerifySshConnectionTask.execute(VerifySshConnectionTask.java:125)               
at com.vmware.vrealize.lcm.drivers.commonplugin.task.VerifySshConnectionTask.retry(VerifySshConnectionTask.java:282)               
at com.vmware.vrealize.lcm.automata.core.TaskThread.run(TaskThread.java:43)           
at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor.runWorker(ThreadPoolExecutor.java:1149)    
at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor$Worker.run(ThreadPoolExecutor.java:624)
at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:748)
Caused by: java.lang.RuntimeException: Cannot create session for ssh://root@xx.xx.xx.xx
at com.vmware.vrealize.lcm.util.SessionHolder.newSession(SessionHolder.java:57)       
at com.vmware.vrealize.lcm.util.SessionHolder.<init>(SessionHolder.java:37)        
at com.vmware.vrealize.lcm.util.SshUtils.execute(SshUtils.java:346)      
… 10 more
Caused by: com.jcraft.jsch.JSchException: Auth fail at com.jcraft.jsch.Session.connect(Session.java:519)    
at com.vmware.vrealize.lcm.util.SessionHolder.newSession(SessionHolder.java:53)       
… 12 more

How to fix the issue

1. SSH to vIDM and log in as sshuser. Run the following command to become the root user.
su root
2. Edit the file /etc/ssh/sshd_config and change the value of PermitRootLogin to yes
PermitRootLogin yes
3. Run the following command to restart the sshd service.
service sshd restart

«Trigger Inventory Sync» and it will complete successfully